“David Goodheart is now our go-to accommodation expert. His reports are clear and well-considered. Where we have sensitive cases he is happy to be flexible with our clients and work to their needs.”
Ben Davey
Personal Injury / Clinical Negligence Solicitor
Dean Wilson LLP
We receive instructions from the UK’s leading law firms to act as the accommodation expert witness in personal injury and clinical negligence cases on behalf of the claimant, the defendant, or as a single joint expert.
Our reports address the claimant’s accommodation requirements on the basis of their current needs and level of disability and those which they are expected to experience in the future.
In order to provide a detailed report, this service typically includes;
Our reports are provided to assist the Court and are concise, impartial and compliant with Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules.
We are regularly required to attend conferences with Counsel, hold joint meetings with opposing experts and prepare joint statements.